Hi, and welcome to FoxDown. First, let me tell you what this blog is about.
First of all, my name is Willow, and I'm a young writer. This blog is all about the short story, "FoxDown" (yes, written by me).
Each week I will post a chapter, starting.... well, once I finish editing it.
Yes, FoxDown isn't completely edited yet, so you'll just have to wait and be a good sport, but once it's edited and ready to go, you won't have to worry or wait, because Copy+Pasting a chapter a time into the blog isn't as hard as it seems, and I will do so every week, until there are no more chapters to post.
If I do fall behind, it is because I:
A. Lost internet
B. Died
or C. Had to go to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving.
Now, It might also be because I forgot.... but hopefully that won't happen...
Anyway, with this blog up, and rabid hordes of readers wanting... to... read, I will try and get editing done as fast as possible. So hold your horses, and hopefully I can get this book done sooner rather than later, and have the first chapter up ASAP.
Well, hello, everyone, and welcome!
Bring your story with you, Willow and I'll make sure you have an internet connection over TG.